Art is often a puzzle. But the above piece is especially lively fun. It’s my 1×4-foot ink-jet print of Sonia Delaunay’s 3×11-foot 1913 painting “L...
The above image is the cover of my Kodak Ektramax 110 camera’s substantial 34-page user manual. It’s more interesting than a straight pic of the camera itself, whi...
At photo exhibits, I look for images that especially grab me. If I find one and the photographer is around, I’ll ask if the photo holds stories that aren’t immedia...
I just experienced huge culture shock about that thing up there. During the 1980s and early ‘90s, I was a computer-networking journalist and editor for publications like ...
Sometimes, the world is indeed small. In 2015, Kate and I moved from a 1,700-square-foot Cape-style house to a 2,700 square-foot retirement condo with exceedingly high cathedral...
Anyone fond of later-20th- and early-21st-century automobiles will enjoy Jim Grey’s “Old Cars Parked” columns and his posts on the “Curbside Classic&...
In a previous article, I explored macro-photography using C-mount cine lenses attached to a Fiji X-Pro1 APS-C digital. In those three experiments, I discovered that my mounting ...
C-mount lenses are the tiny optical jewels worn on the fronts of classic 16mm movie cameras. Their minuscule 17.526mm separation between the camera’s mounting flange and f...