13 July, 2023
Pentax LX – Shooting My Wife’s Camera
The camera had been lying around in a cupboard for a long long time so, since it wasn’t being used, I sold it. “You gave me that camera as an engagement present!!!...
Geoff Chaplin
Geoff Chaplin's Posts
11 June, 2023
Drinking Districts in Japan V: Asahikawa, with a Sony A7Riii, Zeiss Sonnar 55mm, and Leica iiig, 50mm f3.5 Elmar and Delta 400By Geoff Chaplin
28 May, 2023
Drinking areas in Japan IV: Yurakucho with a Leica M3, Zeiss Sonnar and Portra 400…By Geoff Chaplin
21 May, 2023
Drinking areas in Japan III: Shinjuku with a Leica M3, Zeiss Sonnar and iiig, Elmar 50mm f3.5, Portra 400 and Ilford HP5By Geoff Chaplin
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