As a family we go to Brean beach once a year in the winter. It’s become something of a tradition. It’s actually become one of my favourite family traditions, purel...
Sometime last year I borrowed a Konica IIIa off Rob Hawthorn. The plan was to shoot a few rolls and review it. He assured me it was an awesome camera with a great lens and viewf...
A little while ago I was contacted by the company promoting Bellamy Hunt’s new book, Film Camera Zen, asking me if I would like to take a look at a copy for the bene...
Matt Bechberger of Reveni Labs appears to have outdone himself with another new lightmeter – this time a full featured, compact, hand held reflective, incident colour and ...
I normally do a post about the top ten most read and most commented upon posts of the year. This year it’s just most commented upon as I have stopped tracking the traffic ...
The Omnar 35mm f/3.5 Pantessa (short for pancake-tessar) is a limited-edition rehousing of the Carl Zeiss 35mm f/3.5 optics found in the Yashica T, T3, T4 and T5 Super cameras. ...
The Samyang Remaster Slim is possibly one of the most unusual lenses I have reviewed on this website – it’s a lens that I was more intrigued by than a great deal of...
I am a fan of mist filters, and have used ND (neutral density) filters a fair few times before. I’ve even crossed paths with variable ND filters. I’ve never come a...