A few months ago - the very same week the Lomography New Jupiter 3+ was announced - I had an email from a chap at Lomography in New York. He'd spotted I was having a lens from a...
Film photography doesn’t need to be difficult, in fact in many ways I think it can be much easier than digital. I've had a few people ask me recently how I have the guts to shoo...
I bought this Minolta AFZ just yesterday afternoon. First impressions were positive, but then I discovered the fatal weakness that will forevermore relegate a cam...
The Leica 40mm Summicron is an odd little lens, both in terms of what it is, and its reputation. I guess this is why I was attracted to the idea of trying one out; that and it's...
If you follow this blog, you might recognise Tom (in the foreground above). He’s one of the unfortunate people I know who frequently has me pointing a camera in his face.&...
I visited the photography show today, I go every year though when I get there I’m never quite sure I’ve done the right thing. I’m not really the biggest fan of...
It's an interesting camera the Zeiss Ikon ZM. They seem to garner a level of approval that's often vocalised in broad sweeping terms such as "better than a Leica". Yet despite t...
A very quick follow up post to todays early post containing my first colour shots from my MS-Optical converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar. After I posted those shots, I was ask...