I can clear up for you why someone might like expired film if you are confused. Plain and simple, it’s cheap. Recently expired color film will still produce great results ...
The local train to Keelung was a slow, 40-minute crawl. I hadn’t stepped out of Taipei for about 3 months now seeing as there is so much going on in the capital city. I&#...
I usually traveled by ferry to Japan, but the next destination required a flight: Hokkaido. The northernmost island had eluded me for some time. On my way out of Korea and back ...
Many of us have spoken about the cost of film photography. The development costs, the film costs, the time investment, and the occasional blank roll hiding around the corner, ar...
I’d like to talk about one of my favourite cameras, the Petri Color 35. Now sure you might be thinking that this is an odd choice. And to a certain extent you’d be r...
Entering a new country without speaking the language on any level would be a powerful hindrance to setting up a social life for anyone. I was prepared to face many hours alone w...