After quite a long period of shooting exclusively black & white film, I have started to try and revive my former interest in colour photography. Mind you, me not shooting co...
Half hidden under the southern archway of the Salzburg Cathedral, this statue is a grim representation of a cloaked, well, empty figure. The onlookers are left wondering what or...
It’s always interesting, at least for me, to visit and observe small communities during or around the holidays. This time I happened to be in a small village somewhere in...
I sometimes think that Nikon could’ve stopped producing cameras after the apparition of the Nikon F2. The way this camera changed everything is engraved deeply in the wor...
This past weekend I attended a rock concert, in one of the youth theatres around here. The reason of my presence there was twofold: the theatre is run by a good friend of mine, ...
The dark, silky, smooth waters of the canals are silent now, only a few late boats are disturbing the lights that are dancing in the rhythm of the waves. Where there were armies...
And that is what it does. Yeah, I know, but I couldn’t help myself not to bring Nancy in this story. Fun fact, it is the only camera in my small collection to have a panor...
Back in 2000, when I was making some feeble attempts to return to medium format, I had a few choices regarding cameras suitable for me. Obviously, one of the best was the Rollei...