I wrote an article in 2001 about an almost 100 year old camera. Revisiting it now just over 20 years later I am staggered at the progress that has been made with digital equipme...
The subject of this review is an Agfa camera introduced at the end of the 1950s Silette range, the Agfa Super Silette Automatic, one of Agfa’s last, traditionally built, ...
Currently isolated with my first bout of covid, to pass the time I have been reading various articles relating to developments in photographic technology (and playing with Affin...
I hope these ramblings about my exploration of 110 and sub-miniature are of some interest beyond my keyboard but here’s the next chapter. When my Minolta 460 Tx 110 camer...
This has turned out, somewhat abruptly, to be the final chapter in my investigation into 110 and reusing the cartridges. Unfortunately, it also led to the demise of my original ...
The 110 format has really grabbed my interest despite an initial cool reaction. I now find myself with two more of these cameras thanks to an auction job lot, only one in full w...
After my first, recent experience of the 110 format I concluded that I wasn’t won over to the it despite the camera being so good to use. In fact, it made me more interes...
Reading several excellent articles, here and elsewhere, introduced me to an area of photography I had only considered as snap-shooter territory, the 110 Pocket Instamatics. This...