The Nikon FE2 is not a fancy camera. And my Nikon, in particular, is most assuredly not a pristine example of this model. I am, in fact, drawn to the blue collar appeal of it. W...
Me and my Mju, we have this relationship. I grew up shooting film cameras when I was in my teens, then I go digital, and I’ve been reincarnated shooting film again and I ...
The Ricoh 35 ZF is a fixed lens, zone focus compact from the mid 1960s. I’m not sure where mine came from: maybe my step dad, or Grandfather, or an aunt. It doesn’t ...
I love 35mmc. It’s celebrates 35mm compact cameras which I preferred as I shoot mainly life/street photography. Before I had the Minolta as my daily camera I have been usi...
Hello again, I have returned with another 5 frames from another camera in my arsenal, this time I introduce you to the Nikon F301. Probably the most amateur of the SLR’s ...
I think I’ve found my perfect 35mm camera! Pocket-sized, fantastic quality, and a joy to use: the Contax T. In fact it’s so good I bought it twice! I had a silver ...
These photos are part of an on-going series I’m working on. So nothing is finalised yet. I’m still exploring several avenues but so far there’s a theme I tend ...
The Leica M6 is just a dream camera. Ideally you want the camera to fade away and not get in the way of picture making and for me the M6 does this perfectly. With only the frame...