For this 5 Frames with post I have a selection of 4 photos and one “statement” photo is from recent photo project. This post will be both about gear set and way of...
A set of five images in Barcelona taken with a FED 5B camera with Industar 61 L/D on HP5+. The camera and lens were bought at a local flea market for less than the price of two ...
The Fuji Tiara is a tiny, wide-angle point and shoot from the mid-nineties. It was called the DL Super Mini in Europe but mine came in its original clothes from Japan. &#x...
My Canonet is the older, larger, model. It was manufactured in the early Sixties and eventually found its way from Belgium to me a few years ago. It was a rather major experienc...
In college I shot with a Nikon FG. It was my one and only personal camera for about a decade, and I stopped shooting for about a decade other than family snapshots. The week my ...
I took delivery of the Leica Monochrom two days before I was due to go on a road-trip around France. The plan was to spend a couple of weeks driving south before picking up my f...
Hamish came up with the ‘5 Frames With’ idea and I have to say I felt like I was in from the start, given Hamish’s penchant for small simple cameras I had a...
These five photographs were all taken with my 35mm Canon FTb QL and Canon 50mm 1.4 lens. They are shot on Rollei Retro 80s and processed/scanned by AG Photographic. I love the C...