As spring turns to summer, and the warm wind caresses your skin, the air fills with smell of fresh flowers and exhaust fumes. The car enthusiasts have awakened and if you ...
For a while now, I’ve been fascinated by the interior architecture of the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City Utah. It’s really just a large convention hall built in 1995,...
After four years of shooting with my Hasselblad 500C/M, I wanted to try a SWC, the Super Wide Hasselblad used by photographers like Lee Friedlander.
The first difference I noti...
I’ve read more than once that the Schneider 90mm f:4 Apo Symmar Macro PQS lens for the Rollei 6xxx and Hy6 systems is the best lens in medium format. Hasselblad own...
I love 35mm film photography, I really do. I love pretty much everything about it from shooting to developing, I don't even hate scanning with my quite slow Plustek 8100. The sl...
Let me start by admitting that here in California we have a slightly different view of what is "historic" than our fellow 35MMC readers in England and the rest of Europe. Where ...
I love digital infrared. Until this year, my best IR camera was a 3.4-megapixel Nikon Coolpix 990 that a good friend converted for me. The “antiquarian” color scheme in which it...
I am a photography enthusiast who enjoys Street Photography, especially street portraits. I was looking for a portrait lens for my M3 and 75mm was a focal length that really int...