All the way back in 2002 when the commercial balance between digital imaging and film imaging was beginning to shift in favour of digital I was loathed to let go of film and sti...
I didn’t intend to buy another camera. Yet, in a way, this camera found me, like a wand to the witch in certain famous fantasy novels by a certain famous fantasy author.
The ca...
One of my childhood memories is of family days out discovering different parts of London by bus in the late fifties and early sixties. Sometimes my father had a particular desti...
Lomography Redscale: I confess, I have been avoiding this film way too long. Weird material, I thought, will give you only crappy results. Oh, but you like orange explosions? Go...
One of the reasons I love living in Portland, Oregon is the access to diverse landscapes. The city and surroundings most resemble what one thinks of "Pacific Northwest USA", a l...
For more than twenty years from 1989 I lived in Edinburgh, and I still have friends there. Like many cities there are a significant number of Victorian cemeteries, gradually fa...
There are plenty of reasons to shoot film. If you are one who swears by the choice of film stocks, there is now one more reason for film. Adox Color Mission probably does not ne...
My first contribution to 35mmc is more a consequence of shoddiness than anything else. On a lazy Saturday, I picked a shiny Agfa Click II in the local thrift store, for the sens...