20 September, 2024

5 frames with a Canon EOS IX7 APS camera

By Flashknappen

I am happy to be able to share these rather timeless colour photos. The subject matter is close to my heart because of family history and early memories from sailing with my fam...
Minolta X-300

15 September, 2024

5 Frames with A Few Minolta X-300s

By Cameron Scott

A gift for my twenty-first birthday, my old Praktica SLR had been hiding up in the attic for many years. I would occasionally fire the shutter a few times just to hear that reas...

31 August, 2024

5 Frames with Three Cameras in the Woods


For this 5 Frames, we’re going to a small suburban forest with mostly Aspen and Oak trees and lots of paths. Athough there are loads of birds and other animals there, I c...