It seems a silly question. But how many people really know where they first lived after birth? I thought I knew, but was wrong. My House of First Remembering My first memories a...
Whatever the reason, my telephone fell off the wall regularly, and I used tape and gum to effect repairs. When the handset gave up, I used my stereo headphones for the receiver....
In 2018, our friends Peter Engeldrum and Carol Keller invited Kate and me to spend a few days with them on Maine’s North Haven Island. It proved to be a more productive v...
Cutting a channel through the chalk of the North Downs from its source near Sevenoaks to where it joins the Thames near Dartford is the River Darent. Retaining the river’s...
This past spring I was in my study one day, desperately trying to bring a little cosmos to the prevailing chaos on my CD shelves. My study is situated to the rear of our h...
During a brief period of unemployment more than 20 years ago, I offered my untrained photographic services to my sister-in-law Nancy. She was a leading realtor in Coldwell-Banke...
This article’s title is, I think, appropriate. I shot the photo as our Lufthansa Airbus 340 winged its way from Boston to Italy (via Frankfurt) last May. Jetting east lik...
Last May, Kate and I enjoyed a two-week trip through Italy’s spectacular Lake Region– just south of the snowy Dolomites at the Austro-Swiss borders. And at 11:44 on...