The Nikon FE2 is not a fancy camera. And my Nikon, in particular, is most assuredly not a pristine example of this model. I am, in fact, drawn to the blue collar appeal of it. W...
Me and my Mju, we have this relationship. I grew up shooting film cameras when I was in my teens, then I go digital, and I’ve been reincarnated shooting film again and I ...
The Ricoh 35 ZF is a fixed lens, zone focus compact from the mid 1960s. I’m not sure where mine came from: maybe my step dad, or Grandfather, or an aunt. It doesn’t ...
I love 35mmc. It’s celebrates 35mm compact cameras which I preferred as I shoot mainly life/street photography. Before I had the Minolta as my daily camera I have been usi...
It is dark. Cold. Wet. Normal really. Spring in the Calderdale Valley is not a time to rejoice for the green shoots of a new year, but a time to wait for the sun to finally cres...
Hello again, I have returned with another 5 frames from another camera in my arsenal, this time I introduce you to the Nikon F301. Probably the most amateur of the SLR’s ...
I think I’ve found my perfect 35mm camera! Pocket-sized, fantastic quality, and a joy to use: the Contax T. In fact it’s so good I bought it twice! I had a silver ...
In the same way that in my previous photo essay I focused on small details that I would’ve normally ignored. For this second part I decided to also go to a neighbourhood that I ...