Recently, I stumbled upon a collection of old slides from the 1980s, depicting a fascinating African journey. Although the individuals captured in these images are unknown to me...
I’m a frequent visitor to the Angkor Wat temples and am always looking for something different to shoot the experience on. That combined with an interest in perhaps ...
In the Spring of 2023, I traveled for work to Coco Beach, Florida, which is situated on some barrier islands. It’s not really a fun trip (though I do love my co-workers) s...
Growing up in the 40’s and 50’s, I developed an enduring love for everything Mid-Century Modern. Including Christmas decorations. During the 31 years that Kate and...
コインロッカー, the coin-operated lockers, are fundamental to travel around Japan: this is the first lesson any first-timer to this Cou...
This is an abbreviated version of a talk I gave to a local chapter of the Italian Federation of Amateur Photographers (FIAF) on the challenges of photographing in a Teatro all&#...
For a ‘Full Frame’ camera it is quite heavy. Certainly big, dwarfing my Ricoh KR10 from 1980. But without doubt it’s absolutely gorgeous. In a way it is alm...
A road trip through Montenegro is a must. In June I was lucky enough to spend 5 days with my partner enjoying some of the Montenegro coastline equipped with my Canon AE-1. All m...