All photographers can ultimately be divided into two categories: the hip or the lame. The former, for example, includes grizzled, chain-smoking photojournalists wearing bullet-r...
One of the memories I have about photography is of family trips with a classic Olympus Trip 35. The camera is long gone, but some photos still remain with tones ranging from the...
There were two remaining 5×4 sheets of Ilford Delta 100 left in a dark slide. The sun had finally emerged after weeks with heavily overcast skies. Working from the home off...
The new Rollei 35AF arrived last week Friday. I have already managed to get through 6 rolls of film and I am currently working on the 7th. So far so good. For a long winded take...
For an upcoming trip to Japan, I decided I wanted to travel fairly light (camera-wise!) using just my shoulder-bag. Whilst my backpack holds lots of gear, fishing out the camera...
February 2014 at a conference in Brighton. I took my recently acquired Rollei B35 along with some Kodak Gold. In the less interesting intervals of the conference I sneaked out t...
It was a balmy midsummer’s morning, which in coastal Japanese terms equates to an omnipresent buzz of cicadas and the thick heavy grasp of coastal humidity that one learns...
Using high contrast film on architectural subjects with 16mm.