Using high contrast film on architectural subjects with 16mm.
Get out and photograph a tree because “the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes”. There’s a tree growing not far from wh...
While going through my boxes of photography gear I came by not one, but two rolls of undeveloped T-Max 400. I had no idea what those rolls contained, or when they had been shot....
Rio de Janeiro means ‘River of January’ in Portuguese. This name was chosen by the explorers who first arrived in their tiny wind-blown ships on January 1, 1502. C...
I learned about Hydra during my university years. I was in a ‘Leonard Cohen phase’ and learned that he lived on the Greek island during an early phase of his life....
In 2022 I visited the churchyard at St Mary the Virgin at Horton near Blyth to shoot one of my favourite subjects – memorial stones. There has been a church on this site s...
When I first started collecting photobooks, one of my first was Spomenik by Jan Kempenaers. It wasn’t so much the photographs that drew me in, it was the brutal and futur...
If you were to mention Turkmenistan in conversation to most people you would probably get a blank look, if you did get a flicker of recognition it would probably be followed up ...