In an earlier article for 35mmc I detailed the genesis of the Cámara Galletita Lumen (lumen cracker camera) and presented a few examples of my earliest experiments with it. The ...
It seemed like a good idea to drop a roll of 35mm colour negative into my camera and go and pop off 36 exposures in a couple of hours, or at least it would have been two years a...
The term muscle memory is often used in society, however, do we know what it means? I must confess to being guilty as charged using the phrase mentioned above. The term's meanin...
In 1977 I was working on secondment at an office on Euston Road in London. I had recently upgraded to a Minolta SRT 303b and happening to see an invitation for entries to a phot...
Last time I told you about how I learnt about a symbiotic interaction between kids living on the river bank and the train that passes over the bridge that crosses the river.
Several months ago, one of my first posts on this site was titled “Glimpses at the Conservatory.” It documented the development and near completion of a photography project I h...
Everyday I scan the internet for nice camera’s or music gear. In Holland we have the online second-hand Walhalla Marktplaats ('Market place') and I simply can’t get enough of sc...
A few months ago, I spent some time reprocessing panoramas that I took years ago. These were the standard panoramas based on standing in one place and rotating the camera with o...