I’ve had the Fuji X100v for a couple of weeks. In that time, the world feels like it’s changed... and no, not because of the camera. Fortunately, my reasons for buying the Fuji ...
The Outer Market of Tsukiji in Tokyo is a favorite morning photography spot of mine. You might have once heard of Tokyo’s famous Tsukiji Fish Market, where frenetic tuna auction...
And the story goes like this …A foggy Saturday morning of November we arrived by car. Not too late, not too early. As soon as arrived we were to be separated into groups and put...
Sometime around the year 2012, I started documenting the buildings and places in my home town, Hannover (Germany). This article deals with the way I came from there to here. I a...
I was lucky enough to be given two rolls of 120 Kodak Aerochrome by Em the Emulsive. That was really swell of him, thanks Em. He's a good guy and I enjoy our occasional online c...
Ever since I got into photography a little over 10 years ago, I've been fascinated with textures and patterns. While they don't represent anything per se (at least most of the t...
As you may recall, my initial attempts at star trails on film were with my Olympus OM1 and Fuji Natura 1600 in early 2019. The results with the 35mm film and camera were a littl...
If you shoot monochrome film, you don’t have to make do with shooting at box speed if it is a higher speed that you want, and if that is the case for you, you should not hesitat...