First, I shall set the scene: My name is James and I can’t zone focus. It feels good to get that off my chest. I been a photographer for a while now, I take it pretty ser...
The Keks KMQ has actually been reviewed on the website before, though that previous review was on the first version of this meter. The review looks at the subtly updated version...
This is a review of the Sekonic Twinmate L-208. A small reflective and incident reading light meter with a design and user interface that harks back to traditional light meters....
Astrhori have today announced the new Astrhori XH-2 Shoe Mount Light Meter. I have had one on test for a few weeks now, and though it is in many ways very similar to the Astrhor...
As I began shooting film, my first lesson was in mastering the Sunny 16 rule — a technique for getting proper exposure without relying on a light meter. Over the years, I...
Another light meter. This time the Astrhori AH-M1. At first glance, I thought this meter was just going to be a copy of the Doomo Meter S which I reviewed with the title “...
The Reflx Lab light meter is a very simple shoe mount light meter with an LCD screen, 3 buttons, diminutive size and a metal body. It’s also really quite inexpensive. Thi...
Last year I reviewed the first light meter from the Chinese company TTArtisan. Even though it had some shortcomings, I kept it as a core part of my camera kit and I still consid...