I seem to have fallen into a bit of a rabbit hole of shoe-mount light meters. The latest to land with me is the Doomo Meter D - a new LED readout, dial based meter that is *coug...
Spring 2019. One of my friends (he runs an antique shop in Ghent, Belgium) sends me a picture of a Leica IIIc with a screw mounted Sonnar with the message, "Is this something fo...
In late 2011 while reading a newspaper in a local pub, I came across an article stating that the Ministry of Defence had launched an investigation into 14 known sites across the...
The average 35mmc reader perhaps needs no introduction either to Magnum, or to the concept of contact sheets. But just in case, Magnum Photos, founded in Paris in 1947, is one o...
I always told myself that my first publication would be representative of a large body of personal work, something only I could have produced after a few years of working on a p...
This year I made a trip to visit a friend for the first time since he'd moved from the UK to Norway. I took my Hasselblad 501CM, Canon Sureshot A1 and a sack of Kodak colour neg...
As someone who is an avid reader and collector of books, I am pretty time-poor. I have a job, two young children and a multitude of hobbies which I try to fit in too. Because of...
Another Monday, another episode of my Pinhole Adventures series… but this one is a bit different. So far, I’ve mainly focused on designing and building cameras. Pa...