28 May, 2016

Lumu Light Meter review

By Hamish Gill

I've been ogling the Lumu for a few years. I don't know exactly when it came out, but I remember being profoundly impressed by it as a concept. An accessory light meter for the ...

24 February, 2016

Nightcap Pro – An iPhone camera app review

By Hamish Gill

You're probably wondering what on earth a blog post about a camera app is doing on a website about 35mm compact cameras? Well it's quite simple, a lot of the photos I take of th...

16 January, 2016

Voigtlander 28/35 mini-finder micro-review

By Hamish Gill

I've had a couple of messages lately asking me about the Voigtlander 28/35 mini finder, specifically whether or not I think it's worth the fairly large amount of cash they go fo...

24 August, 2015

595Strapco Laverton review

By Hamish Gill

A week or so ago, Dave from 595Strapco sent me one of his Laverton Leather Camera Neck Straps. I’ve been using it since on a verity of cameras so thought I’d share m...