I don’t understand why sometimes people complain about some missing features on a compact camera. It’s 2019 and digital is yet to give us a small full frame point and shoot the ...
I bought the Canon SureShot AF35M II a few years back, around the time I started reading 35mmc. Hamish was regularly posting articles in search of the perfect camera, and singin...
The Olympus AZ-1 Zoom is a compact zoom from the late 80s. It’s not very pretty or particularly compact and it doesn’t enjoy cult status. The zoom range is not very impressive a...
I had been looking for a cheap 35mm camera that could be used manually without batteries, and manual ISO selection was a must. Selenium meters would not be tolerated either, and...
Nikonos V and surfing? You're probably thinking I live in California, Australia or Hawaii but where I surf you're more likely to catch frostbite than a shark bite; this is cold ...
I’ve been intrigued by the Cosina CX-2 on and off for a while. It was supposedly the inspiration for the Lomo LC-A, a camera that I like a lot, but sometimes feel a little bit d...
I have something of a fascination with with "Soviet" cameras. I have a couple of Feds, A couple of Lubitels, My Zorki 4k that I've written about here and way more Zenits than an...
Like all good stories, this one begins under the cloak of darkness... Having been photographing friends, mostly in nightclubs and gig venues with 35mm compacts (and the odd rang...