The Instamatic cameras are anachronisms. The bloated cameras are detested plastic garbage these days. The film format they were designed for is not manufactured any more. Did co...
Using the Bessa L for a week in Berlin alongside a Nikon FE2 brought home all the things I don’t like about the Bessa, as well as reminding me why I’ll never get r...
As a professional archivist, understanding the context and provenance of archival material is hugely important. When I look at my camera collecting, I have applied a similar cri...
This is not going to be a review, just some early thoughts on my experiences using the oldest camera I have so far owned. The Voigtlander Vito B has been reviewed many times, no...
On November 7, 1964 Conxita and Josep got married. You will see that, according to the typical professional studio photo of that time, they made a good couple and, of course, th...
So, the Zeiss Icon Voigtländer 500 SE Electronic and the Zeiss Icon Voigtländer 1000 SR are very similar brothers from an era of iconic mid-century design and innovation. (Ther...
This is the latest camera that my neighbor Alvar has lent me and since there are countless articles on the net about it, even on 35mmc, I have decided to take some photos and ma...
My neighbor Alvar has loaned me another camera to write an article about, in this case the camera was used by his father for years, I appreciate the trust he has had in me.