I had been looking for a cheap 35mm camera that could be used manually without batteries, and manual ISO selection was a must. Selenium meters would not be tolerated either, and...
Nikonos V and surfing? You're probably thinking I live in California, Australia or Hawaii but where I surf you're more likely to catch frostbite than a shark bite; this is cold ...
I’ve been intrigued by the Cosina CX-2 on and off for a while. It was supposedly the inspiration for the Lomo LC-A, a camera that I like a lot, but sometimes feel a little bit d...
I have something of a fascination with with "Soviet" cameras. I have a couple of Feds, A couple of Lubitels, My Zorki 4k that I've written about here and way more Zenits than an...
The Leica Standard, or Model E as it’s also known, was brought to market by Leitz in 1932, and with minor tweaks to its design, its production continued into the late 1940s. As ...
I met the Minox 35 GT about a year ago, and it has stayed in my pocket ever since. You read it right, in my pocket. This is certainly the smallest 35mm camera I’ve seen. The Min...
I’ve recently bought myself a Panomicron Oxygen - a panoramic 35mm film camera that’s the same format as the Hasselblad Xpan, but at a fraction of the price. It might not be as ...
I have a crush on these compact Minolta cameras manufactured in the 1960s. If one only looked at the price tag of these models they could be just crap. But actually they are com...