Unless there is a manufacturing problem films do not have “faults”, they have “features”. So in the review below I shall mention some of the features...
The character on the right, Hesomaru, is the mascot of Furano. The ‘face’ is drawn on his rather large belly while is head and arms are hidden under the hat. Heso me...
There are a couple of things I should preface before we get underway with my honest opinion regarding CineStill 400D, the latest colour film release by Cinestill. First off, I a...
I tried out my first ever 35mm roll of Fuji Velvia 50 (‘RVP’) in mid 1990, not very long after it became available in Australia. It totally blew my mind and I was ...
A few years ago, I was gifted a lot of film for a project I was working on which involved shooting a roll a day for two weeks and vlogging my journey. I was mailed so much that ...
Any film still in production today must have something going for it – almost a survivorship bias in effect. I don’t think there are any “bad” films, only...
Recently I thought I would give colour negative film a try again having used a great deal of this film type in the past, which I used to process myself in Neofin Colour chemistr...
With color films often in short supply and prices continuing to increase, it was sad news when Fuji “paused” Superia X-TRA 400 in April of this year. It’s re...