Last time I wrote about my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, which I documented on medium format with my Hasselblad 500 CM. What I didn’t mention was how that trip made me c...
The box camera must be one of the longest running types ever produced. Niécephore Niépce used one to make the very first photographic image in the 1820s and Fox Talbot and Dague...
This is not a review, but rather a tale about how I became the custodian of a single-owner 1956 Rolleiflex 2.8D, and some musings on the time I’ve spent with it in the three yea...
Now, amongst the multitudes of cameras I bought, sold then regretted was a very special camera - being the Fujifilm Professional GA645i. You’ve all probably read about this and ...
Between 1937 and 1960 Agfa Kamerawerk AG, Munich, Germany produced a series of compact folding medium format (6x6) film cameras, the first being named the Isorette which was qui...
I’ve been using medium format film cameras for over thirty years – initially a (too brief) period with a Rolleiflex in the early 90s and since 2002 a Mamiya 6MF which I still en...
I was very excited to find that my Wife had booked extra cabin baggage for our four day trip to Berlin which meant that I could take a decent sized camera outfit. Luxury! Berlin...
I first became interested in the Pentax 6x7 system when I saw one in a camera shop window in 1976. I thought that the camera looked like a giant 35mm SLR, and in a sense, that's...