Early experiences with Soviet cameras left a lasting impression. I have always wondered what I would think if I used these cameras again today, after more years of experience in...
I suppose that the Hasselblad X-Pan (or Fuji TX1 as it was for the Japanese market) is pressing it when it comes to the qualification of compact, but its bold design and co...
Simply put, It's my opinion that the Leica M6 is the best of the film M bodies that you can hope to shoot with. How I came to realize this only took me a MP, a M3 and a M4 to sh...
The Leica CL, along with its contemporary cousin the Leica M5, comes from a time in Leica's history that seems to have been a little rocky to say the least. Yet whilst Leica suf...
A week or so ago I shot a quick test roll through the Hasselblad Xpan II with a Nikon 35mm PC lens attached to the front of it. I had a lot of questions about that set up, so I ...
Released a decade ago, the M8 was Leica's first digital rangefinder. By the standards of most people, this thing is now old technology; it's long in the tooth, many times supers...
I sold off my Leica M6 to fund the purchase of the G2. Why did I switch from the M6, widely considered one of the best film cameras money could buy, to the G2?
I've owned my Leica IIIa for about 4 months now, and it has never stopped giving me pleasure in photography.