For years, I’ve been searching for a fast, easy to carry, inconspicuous film camera to take with me wherever I go. I’ve gone through a number of the usual suspects, including th...
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time” – Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.
This quote from Russia’s most famous writer was commonly used by my grandfather, who sadly...
What makes a camera treasured? Often, it was owned by a family member. Or it may simply become an invaluable part of a photographer’s arsenal. This beautiful, tank-like, Canon V...
The Fujifilm Professional TX-2 (its sister Hasselblad XPan I/II or the older Fuji TX) is one of those cameras which you lust after, and when you get it, open the packaging and ...
The Contax T is a compact rangefinder introduced in 1984. It was the first in what would become a line of premium point-and-shoot cameras, a segment pioneered by Contax. It was ...
As with most photographers over a certain age, I began my photography shooting film back in the late 1980s. By the mid 2000s I was shooting only digital for work and decided to ...
A few months ago, I spent some time reprocessing panoramas that I took years ago. These were the standard panoramas based on standing in one place and rotating the camera with o...
For me, there are two parts to this hobby of ours. The first is shooting these old cameras. The second is finding them. Which is how I found myself lining up at a dead stranger’...