Whether you suffer from GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) or enjoy it, be aware that reading 35mmc.com will most certainly fuel it! So far, I have bought two cameras based on revi...
I used to shoot a Nikon D700 professionally as a second camera to a D3, and later a D800. The D3 was the peak of my positive relationship with Nikon, and the D800 was the last N...
Nikomat or Nikkormat? Actually, both are ok to use, in order to describe one of the heftiest (but beautiful) cameras I have ever owned and handled. Well, apart from the Pentax 6...
Over the years I have amassed many cameras, both in 35mm and medium format. I have a particular soft spot for Nikon and Zeiss Ikon products, but also love Minolta, Pentax and th...
I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of getting to understand one camera so well that it becomes an extension of oneself. Thus, some years ago, I set out to find this m...
I re-bought a Praktica BX20 to relive the experience of the very first 35mm SLR I bought new. My previous camera, the Praktica MTL3 I had acquired in a ‘well-loved’ ...
This is perhaps a familiar story to photographers over the age of 40. I started taking pictures in the pre-digital era. The first camera that was my own was a Canon Snappy 20* &...
My first SLR was a Praktica MTL3, obtained from an uncle in 1990, it wasn’t my first camera, that would have been a Kodak Disc camera when I was around 10, but it was my f...