I started down this road with the hope of finding a classic 50mm Sonnar lens that somehow shone out in awesomeness above and beyond any other classic 50mm Sonnar lenses that I m...
How dull! Another film vs. Digital argument! Actually, that’s not what this is. Instead, this is intended as an argument against the argument, because seriously, I’m...
My name is Ross and I'm 14 years old. I first met Hamish at my mum and step-dad's wedding, he was the photographer along with his friend James. A while after the day I got in to...
Almost every time I post some photos taken with my Leica M9 I have people asking me "is this straight out of camera", or "what post process have you done to these" etc. This see...
I've decided to attempt to find my perfect classic 50mm lens to mount on my Leica rangefinders. I have my ideal modern lens in the form of the Zeiss ZM Sonnar, but sometimes, ju...
Readers of this blog and those who interact with me on social media often comment about what they see as a varied choice of cameras in my collection. The most common comments I ...
How important is the use of a CCD in the look of Leica M8 photos?
The chances are that if you’re a creative individual you’d have come across it at least once. You feel like your work isn’t good enough, you know you need to do more work in ord...