I sometimes feel a fear of falling off. It once occurred to me that looking up at the moon was like looking over the edge of a chasm except that while there may be an edge of so...
For the longest time, I owned only one camera. When I bought a new camera, I just donated or gave my old camera away, and I usually hung on to a camera for years. In fact, I was...
Back in January 1981, I was in my final year at university, and after a Christmas holiday spent doing an incredibly boring job, I had more than the usual student grant money in ...
As I write this article I have packed up my Pentax 6×7 and all three lenses, I am selling it off and my Speed Graphic isn’t far behind. I am done with medium format....
A few years ago, I was gifted a lot of film for a project I was working on which involved shooting a roll a day for two weeks and vlogging my journey. I was mailed so much that ...
Nowadays, I use analogue photography for 90% of my Street Photography, with the only exception being when it’s raining outside and I don’t want to get my analogue ca...
While there is much interest in scanning with a digital camera, there are other ways of scanning negatives: using a lab or home-scanning with a dedicated scanner. Scanning with ...
Whenever we use a camera to record a scene, we are transforming analog signals. Each element introduces yet another error, albeit small.
The perfect is the enemy of the good