8 October, 2023

My First Major Development Fail

By Ted Ayre

I was really excited to go for a studio day! I’d never used anything other than natural light for photos so far, and I was going to get to learn the effects of different ...

1 October, 2023

Easing into Home Development

By Ted Ayre

Well it’s happening, I’m now fully down the rabbit hole of B&W film development. It was inevitable really, as I continued to take more photos on film and espec...

29 September, 2023

The Legends of Jazz and 5 Photography Masters

By Eric Charles Jones

Photography and Jazz music are two sources of inspiration in my life. They are my muses. In Jazz music, there is an emphasis on improvisation. Musicians often create impromptu s...

23 September, 2023

Photo-Flo: The ONLY Real Way To Use It

By Azriel Knight

A little background first. A few years ago I was having some serious issues with my negatives in the darkroom, and at some point I thought I had it narrowed down to a misuse of ...