I’ve always loved the sea, both from above and under, spending hours snorkeling and, at least when the water was clear enough, practicing brief apnea dives. This year, I t...
I recently started following a friend of a friend on Instagram, who posts his black & white images fairly regularly and decided I should really be doing something similar as...
A device for producing a 16mm strip from 35mm.
My stash of Polaroid pack film was running low when I realized that all of my Polaroid pack cameras would be film orphans soon unless someone started producing pack film again. ...
In a previous article, I explored macro-photography using C-mount cine lenses attached to a Fiji X-Pro1 APS-C digital. In those three experiments, I discovered that my mounting ...
C-mount lenses are the tiny optical jewels worn on the fronts of classic 16mm movie cameras. Their minuscule 17.526mm separation between the camera’s mounting flange and f...
Polaroid pack film cameras are very cool. Sitting somewhere between medium and large format (3″x4″), these cameras took instant peel-apart pictures that looked and f...
I’ve always thought of the Polaroid Swinger as a toy camera. Polaroid made and sold millions of them back in the 60’s, thanks to an effective marketing campaign whic...