As part of the process of playing with, testing and reviewing the Pentax Espio Mini – in much the same way as I did with the Oly mju-ii – I have become intrigued by ...
Edit: Since writing this post, I have also written a review of this brilliantly crap camera – Olympus AF-10 Super or: Pushing the functional limits of a crap point & s...
I’m on the look out for another Pentax PC35af at the moment, as the one featured in this article, along with two others I have has a dicky AF. It seems failing AF is a fai...
Until a few weeks ago I hadn’t held a Barnack Leica for a good few years, so long in fact that whilst I knew the name “Leica” when I did hold one, I had no rea...
The DX barcode on a 35mm roll of film is there, in part, to tell the camera it’s put into what ISO the film is. The majority of cameras from the mid 80’s onwards rea...
The old 1.35v mercury px625 batteries are no longer available. There is a modern equivalent px625 replacement batery, made as far as I can tell exclusively by wein but they aren...
I have had a passing interesting in giving redscale film a go for a while now, I’ve just never been that confident it was worth shelling out the cash for. But since I...
This manual seems to be fairly hard to come by. I found it on RFF a while back but when I looked again the other day I couldn’t find it! As I remember it, the chap who lin...