I love photography and I love running. I am just now getting back into shape after a longer-than-I-thought break from running. Most of the time, because I am covering very short...
For most of the 1990’s, I knew nothing about photography. My teenage passion was for the rambunctious grunge guitar rock that, for a seemingly forgotten time, succee...
After my first, recent experience of the 110 format I concluded that I wasn’t won over to the it despite the camera being so good to use. In fact, it made me more interes...
Following on from a recent posting by Tim Wainwright, we met up at Southwark’s Borough Market, along with another 35mmc contributor, Peter Roberts. The idea was to get to...
I am always curious to try out various models of Russian cameras. I find myself interested in just how bad a camera can get, and if I can get a decent result out it. When I star...
Reflections? A cliche? Almost 4 months have passed since I got back to street photography. I found myself more and more intrigued by the fancy vision created by capturing reflec...
Reading several excellent articles, here and elsewhere, introduced me to an area of photography I had only considered as snap-shooter territory, the 110 Pocket Instamatics. This...
Over the past few years I’ve been working on a couple of projects which will explore the use of Stonehenge as an active religious site. As this is a long-term effort I hav...