Established as a principality in the mid-14th century, the small medieval state of Moldova is best known for its fierce resistance against the Mongols and Turks, up until the 17...
Street Candy ATM400 35mm film returns! The popular black and white film is back thanks to the help from Street Candy’s new partner, Flic Film. ATM400 is a unique film ori...
The character on the right, Hesomaru, is the mascot of Furano. The ‘face’ is drawn on his rather large belly while is head and arms are hidden under the hat. Heso me...
Tickets are still available for this year’s Analogue Spotlight in-person Community Event taking place on October 14th and 15th in the creative heart of Nottingham at NonS...
I have been a reader of this blog for quite a few years. I must have stumbled upon it around the time I was getting into film photography and was working through decades of phot...
Earlier this year, as borders finally reopened, I began planning a trip to Osaka and Kyoto to revisit a friend and explore these vibrant Japanese cities. This time, armed with a...
A little background first. A few years ago I was having some serious issues with my negatives in the darkroom, and at some point I thought I had it narrowed down to a misuse of ...
I re-bought a Praktica BX20 to relive the experience of the very first 35mm SLR I bought new. My previous camera, the Praktica MTL3 I had acquired in a ‘well-loved’ ...