Newgrain, a mobile app dedicated to analogue photography, recently launched an official iOS version with plans for web and Android to follow. Created by Tim Issenmann and helped...
I’m over it now, the crushing disappointment that is. And there’s a caveat – the film was expired. This was the brief: twelve shots consisting of three portr...
In 2018, our friends Peter Engeldrum and Carol Keller invited Kate and me to spend a few days with them on Maine’s North Haven Island. It proved to be a more productive v...
“When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.“ (George R. R. Martin, A Danc...
This is perhaps a familiar story to photographers over the age of 40. I started taking pictures in the pre-digital era. The first camera that was my own was a Canon Snappy 20* &...
A new compact automated processor for home film developers or small labs is coming soon to IndieGoGo. Designed and created by the team from Vintage Visual, the AGO processor hel...
It has a 27mm lens, is truly pocketable and has been recommended by a 35mmc contributor*; I felt compelled to try out the Minolta AF50 Big Finder. It turns out there are at leas...
Migration is a not a new phenomenon. But it comes to our attention regularly. News stories are abundant. From terrible tragedies at sea to local communities going to extraordina...