Latest Posts

18 October, 2023

Behind the People of Chicago

By Joanna Uruchima

In 2021, I embarked my photography journey, capturing moments and people in downtown Chicago with my Nikon FM. During my film walks, every corner I turned revealed a unique scen...

18 October, 2023

A Few Frames Going Horizont-al

By Simon Cygielski

My daughter recently brought my old KMZ Horizont panoramic camera out of storage, so I decided to give it a whirl. While it’s meant mainly for stately panoramas, I’v...

16 October, 2023

Canon T50 – Loving the unloved/ignored.

By Steviemac

Over the years I have amassed many cameras, both in 35mm and medium format. I have a particular soft spot for Nikon and Zeiss Ikon products, but also love Minolta, Pentax and th...