I am a lazy perfectionist on a tight budget. It’s a tough combination for any hobbyist, especially a film shooter. Especially nowadays. I outsource development and high-r...
Budapest, Hungary. I am probably visiting this city for the umpteenth time, and I am always amazed, taking in the architecture and meanings of this beautiful place. Like Vienna ...
This is a story of three dogs, a man, and a camera that’s not even his. First, the background about the camera. I am a Nikon boy through and through, having first shot wi...
The city of Ponta Delgada is located on the south coast of the San Miguel Island, in the Azores archipelago. Every year, on the afternoon of Carnival Tuesday, the city’s c...
Previously, I’ve waxed lyrical about the Zeiss Super Ikonta 532/16 – a top of the line, pre-war German camera. As well as the super-sophisticated, super-heavy Super ...
In my basement photo gallery/office, I don’t rotate my prints as often as I should. To lessen my guilt a bit, I keep the gallery “fresher” with a rotating exh...
This is a review of the Minolta 9000, the first professional autofocus camera. Back in the 60s and 70s the pro camera market was dominated by Nikon with their ‘bullet-proo...
I have used film cameras for almost a decade, and I have found some interesting things over the years. Among the box of things I have kept is a very interesting lens with a some...