Working as a pro for the last 50 years I never had the extra cash for a Leica. Any time I had ‘extra’ cash it went towards my work gear, lighting or Nikon film camer...
I have had this camera for 7 years, which is longer than I’ve had any other film camera, partly because it’s great, and partly because it still works. bought i...
MiNT’s new 35mm film camera project is shaping up as seen in their latest update that was sent out to email subscribers. The update is titled “Autofocus and Skin&#...
Recently I thought I would give colour negative film a try again having used a great deal of this film type in the past, which I used to process myself in Neofin Colour chemistr...
Before the new cell phones, I had several 35mm film cameras, digital point & shoot cameras and eventually splurged for a DSLR. The two P&S models were a Panasonic DMC-LS...
Simon Riddell, an artist and first responder from the Isle of Skye in Scotland, has faced the harsh elements of the Cuillin Mountain range to complete his documentary Peak Perse...
Having learned photography in college on an SLR Nikon FM2 in the late 80s and early 90s, then jumping into digital as early as 1999, I never experimented with medium format or s...
For a few years now I have been using photography as a way to explore philosophy, especially around metaphysics. Photography is bound to a practical visual reality, so depicting...