Latest Posts

20 July, 2023

Making “Morandi’s”

By Dave Powell

One of my favorite artists is the paradoxical Giorgio Morandi. Born in Bologna, Italy in 1890 he became one of the 20th Century’s hardest artists to classify. He was expo...

19 July, 2023

The Drum Room (a One-Shot Story)

By Dave Powell

During a brief period of unemployment more than 20 years ago, I offered my untrained photographic services to my sister-in-law Nancy. She was a leading realtor in Coldwell-Banke...

19 July, 2023

Goerz Tenax 6×9 – A Genius Design

By Geoff Chaplin

A medium format camera that weighs just 536g, only twice as thick as my smartphone and fits into my jeans back pocket! Why don’t they make more cameras like this? The abo...

16 July, 2023

Local Heritage Recycled, Reused, Repurposed

By Julian Tanase

I recently visited a small town in Eastern Europe, in the Republic of Moldova. A small country, somewhere on a sliver of land between the Prut and the Dniester rivers, a country...