Matt Bechberger of Reveni Labs appears to have outdone himself with another new lightmeter – this time a full featured, compact, hand held reflective, incident colour and ...
Ok, that title does not exactly roll off of the tongue. This post will likely not resonate with lens purists seeking M mount perfection. Understandable. But I had found myself i...
Over the past 50 years I have had periods where I was immersed in photography. First it was B&W darkroom printing, then a long period of color work, a brief time with digita...
My foray into film photography began in an unusual way during the Covid lockdown. While many start small, I dove straight into the deep end with a medium format Bronica SQ-B. To...
My wife and I are fortunate to live in close proximity to the Oregon coast, one of the most scenic stretches of coastline in the United States, if not the world. We visit ...
The Canon T-90 the last FD lens mount camera was finally mine to have. Bought it early 2023 at a local camera store. Shooting with the Canon AE-1 Program many years earlier, the...
Inspired by Jankuary last year, I considered what my worse camera was, and knew that it had to be the first generation Lytro. As a photography enthusiast, the chances are you&#x...
I love American Kodak cameras. I love the way they look and work. Often quirky and counterintuitive—and sometimes downright goofy—many are objects of beauty and ti...