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14 September, 2021

Aperture Zero 10. The Champ

By Merik

As was often the case, the Pipes Man had spent most of the morning smoking and creeping around places he probably shouldn’t be. However, it was rare he would be so well rewarded.

12 September, 2021

Aperture Zero 09. Proper Etiquette

By Merik

‘Can I take your picture?’ He had been thinking, recently, to try to be a better person. To approach and engage, rather than sneak and snatch at his shots. This wa...

10 September, 2021

Aperture Zero 08. Toad

By Merik

The Pipes Man was fucking born to do it. The world’s forgotten boy; king of doing it. He just wasn’t doing it right now, and there wasn’t much to him aside. He was a flightless ...

9 September, 2021

Aperture Zero 07. Bug Eyes

By Merik

‘That,’ the woman said. ‘Is absurd.’ She had looked alright from the back, with her braids and denim, but once she had turned around the Pipes Man immediately regretted approac...