Early experiences with Soviet cameras left a lasting impression. I have always wondered what I would think if I used these cameras again today, after more years of experience in...
Out of the selection of lenses I mentioned in the first part of this journey, my wild card (completely screwed) Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.5 definitely makes for the most logical place...
My name is Ross and I'm 14 years old. I first met Hamish at my mum and step-dad's wedding, he was the photographer along with his friend James. A while after the day I got in to...
I suppose that the Hasselblad X-Pan (or Fuji TX1 as it was for the Japanese market) is pressing it when it comes to the qualification of compact, but its bold design and co...
Almost every time I post some photos taken with my Leica M9 I have people asking me "is this straight out of camera", or "what post process have you done to these" etc. This see...
A while ago I decided to take the next step with my film photography, or moreover in gaining knowledge and understanding of how the final image comes about. Today I want to shar...
I've decided to attempt to find my perfect classic 50mm lens to mount on my Leica rangefinders. I have my ideal modern lens in the form of the Zeiss ZM Sonnar, but sometimes, ju...
It's been 5 months and 20 rolls of film through two highly acclaimed compact film cameras – the Contax T2 and Fuji Klasse S. Through this process I’ve come to the point where I’...