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17 May, 2013

First Shots from the Fuji Klasse W

By Hamish Gill

With one thing and another of been run off my feet lately, I’ve managed to finish the first roll of shots from the Fuji Klasse W… All be it mostly of Connie.

15 May, 2013

A selection of Yashica T5 shots.

By Hamish Gill

The Yashica T5 was the camera the got me firmly back into this compact camera shooting lark … I have plenty to say about this camera but for now I thought I’d share ...

3 May, 2013

Fuji Klasse W – Initial Impressions

By Hamish Gill

As I mentioned in a previous post, the Fuji Klasse W represents for me the end of one story and perhaps the beginning of another. I started out my journey as a photographer with...

1 May, 2013

The beginning the middle and the end…

By Hamish Gill

I’ve been taking photos since I was 9. The passion started with a Nikon RF10 that my Nan bought for me … I remember that day well, little did I know how important a ...