The Canon Sureshot A1 – This is the perfect camera to ride the retro wave, and make a splash at the beach or pool during the summer. It’s a fully automatic 35mm...
Benn Murhaaya recently posted a review of the Fuji DL Super Mini, or Tiara as it is otherwise known. Since publishing that post, a kind reader of the blog got in touch to help o...
In accordance with my recent poll - which I later found out was rigged by a mate of mine with a "sense of humour" - Here is my review of the Konica AiBORG...
As some of you may or may not know, I have been involved in a few camera giveaways this year. I gave away a Leica iiic earlier in the year myself, but since then I have also bee...
Quite a personal post this one, even by my standards. Yesterday, me and the wife spent a day in the hospital. Nothing too serious fortunately, but serious enough for us to have ...
The Carl Zeiss Hologon 16mm f/8 has to be the most eccentric lens I’ve used to date. It’s possibly one of the most rare lenses I’ve used too. Largely because o...
I took my Petri Color 35 out with me the other day. It’s small enough to fit in in the pocket of my jeans, so I’d just taken it out on a whim when I took the dogs fo...
Hamish is an obsessive man, and that’s why we get along. I have never met him, but we send each other massages at odd hours about lenses, about the gospel of the rangefin...