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8 March, 2015

Minolta AF101R review – by Maulana Randa

By Maulana Randa

Wide angle lens is something very common on cheap point and shoot 35mm film camera back then. That’s because short focal length combined with small aperture can create eno...

7 March, 2015

Leica iiic Competition Entires (181-201)

By Hamish Gill

So here they are, the last of the photos entered into the Leica iiic competition. Have a look through, have a browse of the previous posts, and please feel free to let me k...

6 March, 2015

Leica iiic Competition Entires (161-180)

By Hamish Gill

The penultimate set of entires from the Leica iiic competition. I’ll get the final set up tomorrow morning hopefully, then I just have the task of picking the 10 finalists