All photographers can ultimately be divided into two categories: the hip or the lame. The former, for example, includes grizzled, chain-smoking photojournalists wearing bullet-r...
What do these pictures have in common (apart from having been taken in various places in Japan)? No, they don’t have the same look and feel, composition or use of light, n...
The Samyang Remaster Slim is possibly one of the most unusual lenses I have reviewed on this website – it’s a lens that I was more intrigued by than a great deal of...
We are antiquers, my wife and I. Mostly in the fall and winter, and we’ll drive a bit to get to a good one. Late this past winter we took a 90 minute drive to ...
One of the memories I have about photography is of family trips with a classic Olympus Trip 35. The camera is long gone, but some photos still remain with tones ranging from the...
I made a half-frame mod for the Lomo LC-A and LC-A+, inspired by a clipping from the Russian magazine “Foto&Video,” issue #8 from 1999. This mod has been brewing...
There were two remaining 5×4 sheets of Ilford Delta 100 left in a dark slide. The sun had finally emerged after weeks with heavily overcast skies. Working from the home off...
The streets of Munich were the perfect place to put my black Olympus Trip 35 to the test. There’s nothing like exploring new places to get enthusiastic about taking pictu...