This is a tale of discovery, disappointment, joy and finally utter, utter confusion. I have always admired Agfa Scala. The idea of a black and white slide film was absolutely bo...
LOMO LC-A I’ve owned a LOMO LC-A for some years and enjoyed its inherent ‘quirkiness’ – both in the image quality and operation: – the easy to ...
Karen, our excellent travel agent, asked if we wanted to stay a while in a castle. My wife was quicker than I when she responded; sure! We were planning a trip to th...
The PIC camera was on my list of cameras to review just before I returned to work after the two years lost years of COVID-19. Recently, when I looked up from my desk and saw the...
Over the last few years my photography has definitely moved away from landscape to urban subjects. Of course, restrictions due to the pandemic were the catalyst for this s...
Well, memorable for me anyway – your mileage may vary. Some of the images I’m sharing here made good money for me a few years ago when I had a side hustle in stock...
This will be a short post, but catering to a long list of 35mmc traditions. It is one of the responses to the “TLR Challenge” by Geoff Chaplin; a follow-up review of...
Since I discovered Photography at the age of 13, it has been my joy, my hobby, my passion, my favorite activity… It is a gift of life that there are now blogs on the Inter...