This month, Lomography turned 30. To celebrate, the experimental company known for breaking the 'norm' is releasing anniversary editions of three of their beloved cameras. The L...
Lomography has brought the film community another treat. Say hello to the adorable Lomomatic 110 camera! 35mmc obtained a loaner copy of this camera for review so we are going t...
Lomography has declared 120 film to be an endangered species and promises to reduce prices significantly to encourage the film community to invest more in medium format. From th...
More often than not, inspiration can be found in the unusual pairing. The way a great restaurant might surprise you by combining two seemingly disparate food types. Or two seemi...
Saturday 24th of March saw the 'Beers and Cameras' photowalk around Birmingham, brought about by our hosts Richard, Robert James, Martin 'Photowalk.Me' Smith and a certain Hamis...
A few months ago - the very same week the Lomography New Jupiter 3+ was announced - I had an email from a chap at Lomography in New York. He'd spotted I was having a lens from a...
For years, I’ve been searching for a fast, easy to carry, inconspicuous film camera to take with me wherever I go. I’ve gone through a number of the usual suspects, including th...
I’ve been intrigued by the Cosina CX-2 on and off for a while. It was supposedly the inspiration for the Lomo LC-A, a camera that I like a lot, but sometimes feel a little bit d...